For your convenience, below is a list of contractors who are experienced and knowledgeable about IBHS and the IBHS FORTIFIED Roof™.

By providing you with this list, we are not recommending any of the identified contractors, nor are we guaranteeing the quality of work of the identified contractors or any other contractor. We are simply providing you with a list of contractors who have been trained by IBHS. You may choose any contractor that you desire, including contractors not on this list.

You can access the information below by visiting

NCIUA Email:
NCIUA Phone: 919-821-1299

Contractors with IBHS Knowledge and Experience

For a full list of contractors who are experienced and knowledgeable about IBHS and the IBHS Fortified Roof ™ process, please visit the link below. Ensure that you select North Carolina as the "State Served" and Roofer as the "Service" for relevant results.